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Organization and Mission


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About Evan Pritchard

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Brian Wilkes Media

Center for Algonquin Culture
PO Box 259 Rosendale, NY 12472

Our Organization and Mission

Evan T. Pritchard

The founding of the Center For Algonquin Culture was announced June 21st, 1998 at the site of the future Algonquin/Anishnabic Cultural Center at Victoria Island, Ontario Canada during a gathering of Algonquin elders from all over North America.

CAC has already created the following resources:

  • A detailed map of Algonquin territories and language areas before 1700 AD for the northeast quadrant of North America.

  • Detailed maps of more densely populated Algonquin historical settlements such as the New York City area, Long Island, the Hudson Valley, and other areas.

  • A catalogue of new works, such as Native New Yorkers, No Word For Time, Introductory Guide to Micmac Words and Phrases, Lenape Phrase Book (in progress) Take the Red Road and Secrets of Wholehearted Thinking, to further the publics understanding of Algonquin history and culture.

  • A library of books and maps of a number of Algonquin nations and their allies. We are now producing a modest library of email resources, including place-name lists, lexicon lists, and a who's-who of Algonquins yesterday and today, which will be available free of charge. Other information such as regional maps and published articles can be faxed to you free of charge.

  • Workshops around the US on Algonquin history, language, culture, and spiritual way of life. These are presented in affiliation with RTA: Roads to Awareness seminars.

  • Regular radio broadcasts on national and international networks, including a one hour segment on New Dimensions Radio, hosted by Michael Toms, was broadcast in May of 2000, discussing Algonquin history, culture, and wisdom, with remarkable depth. (Tape available)

  • Algonquin language revitalization programs. CAC is currently in dialogue with a number of Algonquin tribal councils concerning language revitalization. CAC employs a unique but practical approach called a learning ramp which assists English-only Native Americans in becoming conversant in their native language.

CAC also provides historic walking tours of Algonquin sites which spark the imagination as well as educate and illuminate. CAC is providing tours for the Smithsonian Institute in 2002, and is developing tours for the Open Center and Mirabai Books of Woodstock. CAC is also creating armchair walking tour multi-media programs for museums such as The Trailside Museum at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation in New York.

Our Mission:

1. To protect, preserve, and restore the dignity and culture of every Algonquin nation, large or small.

2. To promote the peaceful reunion of all eighty-four Algonquin nations in a way that preserves the unique identity of each nation, and to encourage the peaceful reunion of all First Nations in mutual respect.

3. To educate the American public (including Native Americans) about Algonquin culture and history and its central role in the development of modern-day America, through workshops, books, broadcasts, publications, classes, tours, websites, e-mails, concerts, maps, and pamphlets.

4. To assemble a library of books pertaining to each of the Algonquin nations and their languages, histories, and ways of life.

5. To complete a map (or system of maps) of Algonquin North America as it existed before 1700 AD, including Confederacies, territories, villages, and trails.

6. To compile, create, and collect phrase books and lexicons of each of the eighty-four major Algonquin languages.

7. To help in the on-going development of a network of Algonquin and Metis (mixed-blood) Algonquin people for sharing ancestral and cultural information and for meaningful dialogue. This community would include all who feel a heartfelt connection with Algonquin people.

8. To encourage the re-emergence of Algonquin wisdom as a major voice in world literature, spirituality, and philosophy, equal to any other.

9. To share insights concerning the Seventh Fire and other Algonquin prophecies and how they relate to those of other nations and to the time were are living in now.

10. To uphold and give voice to the ancient Algonquin principles of non-violence, tolerance, inclusiveness, and personal freedom. To promote the Seven Principles of Respect


2003-2023 © Center for Algonquin Culture